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2018-03-07 11:51:35??????點擊:

中國石化新聞網訊 據OGJ網站3月5日休斯敦報道,根據國際能源署(IEA)最新一期有關石油市場的年度報告,來自美國、巴西、加拿大和挪威的石油產量增長可以使世界供應充足,在2020年前能遠遠滿足全球石油需求增長,但是,在2020年以后將需要更多的投資來提高產量。

根據Oil 2018,IEA 5年市場分析和預測,在今后的3年里,單單來自美國的產量增長將能滿足世界80%的需求增長,加拿大、巴西和挪威屆時能夠滿足世界剩余20%的需求增長。



李峻 編譯自 OGJ


IEA: More investment needed to spur oil supply after 2020

Oil production growth from US, Brazil, Canada and Norway can keep the world well supplied, more than meeting global oil demand growth through 2020, but more investment will be needed to boost output after that, according to the International Energy Agency's latest annual report on oil markets.

Over the next three years, gains from the US alone will cover 80% of the world's demand growth, with Canada, Brazil, and Norway able to cover the rest, according to Oil 2018, the IEA's five-year market analysis and forecast.

By 2023, supply outside the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries grows by 5.2 million b/d. OPEC oil capacity rises only 1.2 million b/d due to Venezuela collapse and limited increases elsewhere.

But the report finds that despite falling costs, additional investment will be needed to spur supply growth after 2020. The oil industry has yet to recover from an unprecedented two-year drop in investment in 2015-2016, and the IEA sees little-to-no increase in upstream spending outside of the US in 2017 and 2018.
