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2018-02-09 13:24:09??????點擊:

中國石化新聞網訊 據道瓊斯2月6日消息,美國能源情報署(EIA)在周二公布月度短期能源展望報告中上調了2018年和2019年兩年的美國原油產量預期。EIA預計2018年美國平均原油產量為1059萬桶/日,2019年為1118萬桶/日,兩者均較之前預期上調3.1%。EIA同時將2018年西得州中質油(WTI)預測價格上調5.3%,至每桶58.28美元,將布倫特原油預測價格上漲4.4%,至每桶62.39美元。

張春曉 摘譯自 道瓊斯


EIA raises U.S. crude-oil production forecasts

The U.S. Energy Information Administration lifted its forecasts for 2018 and 2019 U.S. crude-oil production, according to the agency's monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook report released Tuesday. The EIA forecast U.S. crude production at an average 10.59 million barrels per day in 2018 and 2019 output at 11.18 million barrels a day, with both outlooks up 3.1% from the previous forecasts. The EIA also raised its 2018 price forecasts for West Texas Intermediate crude by 5.3% to an average $58.28 a barrel and Brent crude by 4.4% to $62.39.